Important: This routine is on pre-beta issue
use only as a training aid until formal issue
Only applies to horizontal or vertical bends. If bends have offset angles use formula 9 in Appendix F in NS130.
Formulae based on Appendix A of C(b)2 - 1989 - ESAA Guide to the Installation of Cables Underground.
(Formulae provided in this withdrawn/superseded document represent industry best practise and remain accurate).
(Ausgrid retains these formulae at Annexure F in Network Standard NS130).
Refer to manufacturer's technical data for cable and conduit properties if not available under "Cable data".
For a straight portion, only length (L) is required.
For each incline, enter both length (L) and incline angle (φ⁰).
For each bend, any two parameters, deviation angle (Θ⁰), bend length (L) or bend radius (R) can be entered.
If all three parameters are entered, bend length (L) and bend radius (R) will prevail.
If number of portions exceed 10, record result for the first 10 portions and enter as "Initial Reeler Tension" for further sections.